The best Universities & Colleges in AUSTRALIA for International Students
I haven't failed; I have just found 10,000 ways that didn't work. - Thomas A. EdisonUniversity of Melbourne - Melbourne
Established in 1853, the University of Melbourne is a public-spirited institution that makes distinctive contributions to society in research, learning and teaching and engagement. It’s consistently ranked among the leading universities in the world, With over 100 research centres and institutes, it connects with thought leaders around the world to tackle society’s complex problems in innovative ways.Studying at a research-intensive university means you’ll be at the cutting edge of your field, learning from advances and discoveries as they happen. You’ll be taught by talented academic staff who come to Melbourne from across the globe to join our renowned research communities.
University of Melbourne - Degree & Course Catalog
University of Melbourne - ONLINE APPLICATION
It is not enough to begin; continuance is necessary. Mere enrollment will not make one a scholar; the pupil must continue in the school through the long course, until he masters every branch. Success depends upon staying power. The reason for failure in most cases is lack of perseverance. - Miller
Australian National University - Canberra
As Australia's National University, ANU attracts students and scholars from across the world, creating a diverse and enriching community where everyone can feel at home. Studying at ANU means joining a community of inspired minds, working with some of the world’s leading experts, choosing from Australia’s widest range of flexible degree options and opening the door to opportunities that you never thought possible.Undergraduate Academic Entry Requirements
Australian National University - Degree & Course Catalog
Australian National University - ONLINE APPLICATION
You may have a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not falling down, but staying down. - Mary Pickford
University of Sydney - Sydney
Since It's inception, it believes in education for all and leadership that makes lives better. The same values continue to inform it's policy of inclusion and underpin long-term strategy for growth. Progressive thinking, breaking with convention, challenging the status quo and improving the world. Students at University of Sydney are taught by world-class researchers and leave the university well placed to find work that is both fulfilling and in demand by employers.University of Sydney - Degree & Course Catalog
University of Sydney - ONLINE APPLICATION
It takes the hammer of persistence to drive the nail of success. - John Mason
University of Queensland - Brisbane
University of Queensland has a strong focus on teaching excellence, having won more Australian Awards for University Teaching than any other in the country and attracting the majority of Queensland's highest academic achievers, as well as top interstate and overseas students. The Student Employability Centre provides students with opportunities, choices and support that will enable them to achieve their individual aspirations, to become leaders in their chosen fields and to positively impact on the society in which they live. In addition to flexibility in program choice, student benefits include the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of extracurricular activities during their studies. The educators of UQ are committed to excellence in learning experiences and outcomes for their students.University of Queensland - Degree & Course Catalog
University of Queensland - ONLINE APPLICATION
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenges and controversy. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monash University - Melbourne
Wherever you’re headed, you’ll find a course at Monash that can get you there. You’ll graduate with a qualification that’s internationally recognised and leave with the knowledge and skills to turn everything you’ve learned into an exciting, rewarding career. At Monash University there is outstanding reputation for the quality of our teaching and world-class facilities.Monash University - Degree & Course Catalog
Monash University - ONLINE APPLICATION
We cannot discover new oceans until we have the courage to lose sight of the shore.- Muriel Chen
University of New South Wales - Kensington
University of New South Wales is one of Australia's leading research and teaching universities. At UNSW teaching gains strength and currency from their research activities, strong industry links and it's international nature; UNSW has strong regional and global engagement.University of New South Wales - Degree & Course Catalog
University of New South Wales - ONLINE APPLICATION
A habit is like a cable: we weave a thread of it everyday, and at last we cannot break it - so we must form good, positive, and productive habits. - Horace Mann
University of Western Australia - Perth
The University continues to set the standard for other West Australian universities to follow in terms of recognition for its achievements nationally and internationally. Adjacent to the Swan River, Perth campus is among the most picturesque in Australia with iconic sandstone buildings sitting among heritage-listed gardens. It's just 10 minutes from Perth’s main shopping and business district and close to many of the city’s stunning beaches.Undergraduate Academic Entry Requirements
University of Western Australia - Degree & Course Catalog
University of Western Australia - ONLINE APPLICATION
Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. - Michael Jordan
University of Adelaide - Adelaide
University of Adelaide is an international institution that distinctively embraces the ideal of the research university, where the excitement, vitality and passion of the search for new knowledge is one in which all students participate; as an enlightened and tolerant community where able students can find support, whatever their background or circumstances.University of Adelaide - Degree & Course Catalog
University of Adelaide - ONLINE APPLICATION
The closer one gets to the top, the more one finds that there is no top.- Nancy Barcus
James Cook University - Townsville
James Cook University ranks number 1 in Australia for employer satisfaction, beating all other universities, in the Federal Government’s Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) Employer Satisfaction Survey National Report released in 2018. JCU is the only university in Queensland to be awarded 5 stars for graduate job success 7 years running by the Good Universities Guide 2017. JCU is ranked in the top two percent of universities worldwide (ARWU) internationally recognised for excellence in teaching and research.JCU equips students with work-ready skills, giving the opportunity for field trips, work integrated learning (WIL) and practical placements with key industry partners. In many courses, emphasis is placed on significant hours of practical experience and as a result, our graduates are in high demand. Students will graduate with the knowledge, confidence and work-ready skills needed to succeed. At James Cook University - with globally respected teaching staff and state-of-the-art facilities. Make life matter and take the first step in achieving your goals. Apply now.
James Cook University - Degree & Course Catalog
James Cook University - ONLINE APPLICATION
The harder you fall, the higher you bounce. "Good habits are not made on birthdays, nor Christian character at the new year. The workshop of character is everyday life. The uneventful and commonplace hour is where the battle is lost or won." - Maltbie Davenport Babcock,
Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane
Queensland University of Technology culture values high performance and agility, and encourages entrepreneurship in students, staff and alumni, to drive economic activity in the real world. Queensland University of Technology state-of-the-art research infrastructure enables the discovery, deployment and demonstration of innovative solutions to global challenges.Queensland University of Technology - Degree & Course Catalog
Queensland University of Technology - ONLINE APPLICATION
Within us are the seeds of triumph or defeat. Which seeds will you plant? - Longfellow