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PSLE Exam Results - Matokeo ya darasa la saba

Matokeo ya darasa la saba 2021/2022

This is a test conducted after seven years of learning at primary level, which enables the government to select form one entrants for its schools. Students who get selected and those who are not, receive certificates. PSLE examination is administered in the second week of September every year. The examined subjects at PSLE are Hisabati (Mathematics), English Language, Sayansi (Science), Maarifa ya Jamii (Social Studies) and Kiswahili.
Matokeo ya darasa la saba 2021

For the year 2018 PSLE Examinations will commence on September 5th 2018 at 2:00am with Kiswahili Paper and  End on Sepetember 6th 2018  at 6:00pm taking Maarifa ya Jamii as the final paper. We take this opportunity to wish all the prospective  STD Seven candidates SUCCESS in their forth coming exams.


PSLE Results 2021 - Necta Matokeo la saba 2021


PSLE examination - ENGLISH LANGUAGE Examination Format

The format is aimed at improving the structure of the examination which is currently used to incorporate questions which will enable candidates to show their competences in writing skills, reading for comprehension and using the English language in  solving social, political, economic and technological challenges for the betterment of his/her development and the nation at large.

PSLE Examinable Topics  are:-

  1. Tenses 
  2. Other forms of Grammar
  3. Vocabulary 
  4. Composition
  5. Comprehension

PSLE exam - General Objectives

The English examination aims at testing candidates’ ability to: 
  • read and comprehend the passage given.
  • answer the questions based on the passage.
  • use English grammar correctly.
  • use English language correctly in a given situation. 
  • Write letters and composition.
  • General Competences

PSLE examination will measure the candidate’s competences on how to: 

  • Use basic expression to satisfy his/her basic needs.
  • Communicate using English language in different contexts.

PSLE examination Examination Fabric

  • The English language Examination consists of sections A, B, C and D with a total of 45 questions. Candidates will be required to answer  all questions. 
  • Section A will comprise of Grammar, Section B Vocabulary, Section C Composition and Section D Comprehension. 
  • Questions 1 to 40 will carry one (1) mark each, while questions 41 to 45 will carry two (2) marks each. The whole examination will have a total of fifty (50) marks.
  • In question 1 – 40 candidates will use the OMR forms to respond using HB pencil while in question 41 – 45 candidates will give their answers in the spaces provided in the question paper using blue or black ink pen.  
  • The duration of the paper will be 1:30 Hours. Visual impaired candidates will take the examination for 1:45 Hours.

PSLE Section A:  Grammar

  • This section will consist of thirty (30) questions out of which ten (10) questions will be set from the topic of Tenses and 20 questions from other forms of grammar.
  • Candidates will be required to answer all the questions by choosing the correct answer from the given alternatives A, B, C, D and E. 

PSLE Section B: Vocabulary

  • section will consist of six (6) multiple choice questions and will test the use of vocabulary in different context. 
  • will be required to answer all the questions by choosing the correct answer from the given alternatives A, B, C, D and E. 

PSLE Section C: Composition

  • This section will comprise of four (4) mixed/jumbled sentences. The candidate will be required to arrange the sentences logically so as to make a good composition.  
  • The sentences will be arranged using letters A to D.

PSLE Section D: Comprehension

  • This section will consist of a short passage which will be followed by five (5) short answer questions.
  • Candidates will be required to read the passage and answer all the questions the space provided.

Primary School Leaving Examination - PSLE Results 2021 - Matokeo la saba 2021 

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